I will show you step by step how do it
firstly you need Firefox web-browser.If you haven't it yet click here to get it. After downloading open Mozilla Firefox.
- Now install Imacros plugin to your firefox by clicking here.
- Download the JavaScript clicking here.
- Now copy & paste downloaded file or download directly it to the imacros .Go to documents>>Imacros>>Macros>>Demo-Firefox and paste or download scrift file to Demo-Firefox.
- close the firefox and open it again.
- Go to Fansbox here and "ALLOW " the app.
- Then go to add a page >>switch page and add your page and save the settings.
- Now open up a new tab in firefox and log in with your facebook account.
should appear left hand side of the browser.
9. Now double click Demo-Firefox then double click fansboxbot.js .
10. You can see now a window having number of 5.keep it as 5 and save it.
11. Now this will just start earning you points and because you added your fanpage at the beggining
of the tutorial you will now constantly get likes as long as your bot is running.